root cause healing once and for all

Hi, I’m Grace

I’m a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner with a passion for gut health and hormones. Growing up I was always the kid with a stomach ache. Into my teen years and adulthood, I continued to struggle with my gut and even landed in the ER one night during high school. I started taking birth control at 18 to have "easier” periods and spent 7 years on the pill.

By age 24 I was dealing with chronic bloating, extreme fatigue, constipation, and just overall felt like crap. My lab results were always "normal” with my primary care doctor. I decided to stop the pill cold turkey in 2020 and was immediately hit with symptoms. Eczema developed on my face and my bloating somehow got even worse. I again went back to my doctor to figure out what was going on only to be told everything looked normal. I had done some of my own research and thought I might have SIBO. I was able to get tested and a couple weeks later I was diagnosed with methane SIBO and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. My doctor offered antibiotics for my SIBO and lifelong thyroid meds.

I knew there had to be a better way. I found a functional practitioner who specialized in hormones and gut health and she completely changed my life. On top of my previous diagnoses we also found a H. Pylori infection, bacterial imbalances, and parasites to name a few. My own health journey inspired me to help others and Healing with Grace was born. I’m here to tell you it’s not all in your head. Healing is possible, let’s do it together.

how I’m different…

Root Cause Approach

I’m focused on getting to the root of your symptoms. While they are clues and important in understanding your health history, we will work to find out WHY you feel the way you do.

I Know What It Feels Like

I spent years suffering with gut and period issues only to go to the doctor and be told “everything looks great!” I’m here to tell you it’s not all in your head and you don’t have to suffer in silence.

More Than Some Test Results

While the labs we run can answer some of our burning questions, full healing is beyond the lab. I’m here to help you heal both inside and out through mindset practice and lifestyle optimization.